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Black History Month
Posted: February 1, 2023
February is Black History Month, officially designated as such by every U.S. President since 1976. It is a time for recognizing the significant role African Americans have played in U.S. history and celebrating their achievements. Various organizations join in paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who have struggled to achieve full citizenship and recognition in the culture. These organizations include: National Endowment for...
How to Create the Best Time Off Policies for Small Businesses
Posted: January 28, 2023
Every employee needs a day off occasionally. Many small businesses offer generous paid time off (PTO) policies as a way to compete with larger companies. Not only does this create an attractive incentive for top talent to hire on, but it also helps reduce employee turnover. What Is Paid Time Off? Paid time off is time employees can use for personal purposes while getting paid...
5 Common Misconceptions About Medicare
Posted: January 21, 2023
If you are newly eligible for Medicare and navigating the territory for the first time, you know how complicated the subject can be. Although there is an abundance of material out there, it is not always accurate and may only add to the confusion. The following are five common Medicare myths debunked: Medicare Is Part of Social Security This is not correct. Social Security and...
Here are the Advantages to Having a Health Savings Account
Posted: January 13, 2023
Many employers today are offering high-deductible health insurance plans along with health savings accounts (HSAs). The downside is the high deductible – the amount you must pay out-of-pocket for covered medical expenses before your health plan kicks in. Nevertheless, HSAs have a number of benefits for employees. How Does a Health Savings Account Work? An HSA is a medical savings account that is only available...
What Does a Top-Tier Group Benefits Package Include?
Posted: December 28, 2022
Most companies offer their employees some benefits, but the quality of these packages can vary widely. Top-tier group benefits packages are ideal, as these benefits help attract and retain the best talent in your industry, making it more possible for your company to win the hiring game in a competitive market. Retaining Top Talent – A Group Benefits Strategy that Works. Some companies are in...